"Set out" nghĩa là gì?

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton talks about her new book, "Hard Choices". Photo courtesy LBJ Foundation.

'Set out' nghĩa là bắt đầu lên đường (start a journey) hay bắt đầu một nỗ lực nghiêm chỉnh (to begin an earnest attempt; undertake); và nghĩa khác là phô trương, trình bày (to lay out systematically or graphically; to display for exhibition or sale).

Ví dụ
Lauren Hill's mom: 'We didn't set out to raise a superhero'.

Aussie swimmers set out for last swims before World Championships.

Hillary Clinton to set out her vision by invoking (khơi gợi, viện dẫn chứng) her heroine (nữ anh hùng) Eleanor Roosevelt.

The League of Nations and a series of arbitration (trọng tài phân xử) treaties (hiệp ước) set out to replace power contests (đối đầu) with legal mechanisms (cơ chế) for the resolution (giải quyết) of disputes (tranh chấp).

As Europe’s seventeenth-century political and sectarian (giáo phái) conflicts (xung đột) raged (diễn ra ác liệt), Puritan settlers had set out to redeem (thực hiện, làm trọn) God’s plan with an “errand in the wilderness” that would free them from adherence (sự bám chặt, trung thành với) to established (and in their view corrupted) structures of authority.

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