Tan cửa nát nhà vì chê chồng béo

chê chồng là "con voi béo", tát và đá vào "cái ấy" của chồng, chê là không làm mình thỏa mãn trên giường...

-> anh chồng li dị luôn
A man has divorced (li dị) his wife after she kicked him the penis (dương vật) and called him a "mota haathi" - a fat elephant.

The woman also reportedly told her husband he was not able to satisfy her in bed because of his "heavy weight" and also slapped him and kicked his genitals (cơ quan sinh dục ngoài).

...the woman also threatened to set herself on fire and "implicate (ám chỉ) the respondent and his family in a dowry (của hồi môn, quà cưới) case."

She then reportedly left their home with her jewellery and belongings, and told her husband to transfer his property in her name if he wanted her to remain a "devoted wife."

Judge Vipin Sanghi branded the incidents "grave" and "weighty" matrimonial (hôn nhân) offences.

Tags: marriage

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