"On someone's watch" nghĩa là gì?

Philadelphia City Hall, as seen from the southwest corner. Photo courtesy Kevin Burkett.

'On someone's watch' nghĩa là đang phiên trực của ai (while someone is on duty).

Ví dụ
Back then, being a stockbroker wasn’t a mundane (cõi trần, thế tục, trần tục) career, but it wasn’t an amazingly glamorous (đẹp say đắm, đẹp quyến rũ) one either. That all changed on your watch. Financiers rose to become “masters of the universe.” Now they are often vilified, albeit very well compensated.

If something bad happened, it wasn't going to happen on his watch. And if it did, he was going to find out who did it and hold them accountable for it. He felt that way about the entire community.

But this was not the only security related fiasco to stain the brief Barak incumbency (nhiệm kỳ). After all, it was on his watch that the 2001 Second Intifada erupted. The ensuing violence lasted over five years, bringing dread and death to Israel’s streets, cafes and buses—and resulted in the murder of about 1000 Israelis and the maiming (làm thương tật) of nearly 10,000.

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