Mỹ có thể áp thuế trừng phạt lên các sản phẩm thép Trung Quốc?

đánh thuế nhập khẩu thép đối với Tàu chẳng ích gì, Tàu chỉ đáp ứng 1% nhu cầu thép của Mỹ thôi (đứng thứ 10), Trump chỉ rhetoric vớ vẩn, các nhà sản xuất thép của Mỹ vẫn đợi Trump bump (thuế và quota thép across the board)...
Contrary to popular belief, the United States no longer buys much steel directly from China. In 2016, the top countries the United States imported steel from were Canada, South Korea, Brazil and Mexico, according to Commerce Department data. China was way down in 10th place for steel imports. It's one of the reasons Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross has called the issue so "complex." Putting tariffs on China is one thing; putting them on long-time allies like Canada and South Korea is another.

Some experts say if Trump only puts a tariff on Chinese steel, it might not have much impact on prices. Out of all the steel the United States uses, China only supplies about 1 percent of it. On top of that, China is selling a lot less steel on world markets these days since it needs more steel at home...

Tags: economics

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