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giấc mơ năng lượng miễn phí cho mọi nhà sắp thành hiện thực ở Ấn Độ,
Low-Cost Wind Turbine to Power an Entire House for a Lifetime Starts Selling in India

these words “for the cost of an iPhone, you can now buy a wind turbine that can power an entire house for a lifetime” have been trending

India is the world’s sixth largest energy consumer, accounting for 3.4% of total global energy consumption.

to help rural dwellers, a startup in the country has invented a cheap wind turbine that could power an entire house for a lifetime. The young company called Avant Garde is owned by two young siblings, Arun and Anoop George. They are based in the Indian southern state of Kerala. Their wind turbine can generate 3-5 kW of electricity daily.

Without erecting electric posts and electric lines that require huge investments that could cost millions of dollars, Avant Garde was able to generate clean and renewable electricity for the people in the area through their wind turbine.

Bài trước: Mức tiêu thụ năng lượng của Ấn Độ và Trung Quốc sẽ ra sao?
Tags: videowork

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