Bộ trưởng yêu cầu không chơi golf

toàn lấy cớ làm ăn, nhưng có thật sự vậy đâu,

theo nghiên cứu hơn 300 ceo từ các công ty S&P 1500 trong giai đoạn 2008-2012, thấy rằng, ceo càng chơi golf nhiều, tình hình sxkd và giá trị của công ty càng giảm...
Dear Dan,

Many CEOs claim to use golf to informally “get things done.” How much are they really accomplishing on the links?


I used to believe in the popular notion that golfing is an important business tool, but a paper published last year in the journal Management Science changed my view. Lee Biggerstaff, David Cicero and Andy Puckett collected golfing records for more than 300 CEOs from S&P 1500 firms from 2008 to 2012 and found that the more golf a CEO played, the more a firm’s performance and value decreased. When CEOs played at least 22 rounds in a year, they found, the mean return on assets was more than 100 basis points lower than for firms whose CEOs played golf less frequently. I’m inclined to think that the idea of golf as a business tool is a self-serving tale that CEOs tell themselves and us to justify spending time and money at play.

Tags: economics

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