Mở khóa bằng vân tay đã không còn an toàn như "hồi xưa" nữa

máy bay đi bali phải hạ cánh khẩn cấp ở ấn độ khi bà vợ người iran nổi điên do phát hiện chồng ngoại tình, bằng cách dùng ngón tay của chồng để mở khóa điện thoại khi chồng đang ngủ...

A plane headed to Bali had to make an emergency landing after a woman went ballistic and started fighting her husband over his alleged affair.

as the husband was sleeping, his wife used his hand to unlock his fingerprint-protected cell phone. As she was going through it, the woman reportedly discovered her husband was being unfaithful.

She then started hitting her husband. Crew members on the flight tried to calm the situation down, but when they couldn't get the woman to stop attacking her spouse, the pilot decided to land in Chennai, India. Times of India reported that alcohol played a role in the mid-flight brawl (cãi lộn ầm ĩ).

Tags: marriage

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