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Trung cộng tài trợ cho Đảng Lao động của Jacinda Ardern - Thủ tướng New Zealand

An influential (có ảnh hưởng, có sức thuyết phục) United States Congress hearing (phiên điều trần) has been told "one of the major fundraisers for Jacinda Ardern's party" is linked to the Chinese Communist Party and it showed China had penetrated (thâm nhập) New Zealand's political networks (mạng lưới chính trị).

As a result, US lawmakers needed to consider whether New Zealand should be kicked out of the Five Eyes intelligence alliance (liên minh tình báo) because of problems at its "political core".

The bombshell (vấn đề đột xuất làm xôn xao dư luận) testimony (lời khai) included claims from a former Central Intelligence Agency analyst that "anything on China that was briefed to Bill English was briefed to Mr Yang Jian", the National MP revealed last year as having trained spies for China.

..."It's important for the United States to consider that China may be testing (thử nghiệm) methods (phương pháp) of interference (sự can thiệp, xen vào, xía vào) to probe (thăm dò) for weaknesses (điểm yếu) in democracies (chế độ dân chủ) in order to use the same techniques (kỹ thuật tương tự) against Western countries (các nước phương Tây) in the future (trong tương lai)."

Tags: china

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