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một người đàn ông florida trèo lên cao, giữa công viên, và hét to cho trẻ em 4-6 tuổi vây quanh ở dưới: 'em bé đến từ đâu?'...

...Officers said Ryan at first was approaching tourists and making inappropriate (không thích hợp, không thích đáng) comments (lời bình luận, nhận xét) to women in an effort to get their male partners to confront (đối đầu, đe dọa) him. An officer in the area was watching him at the time.

"I watched (Ryan) walk over to the busy playground area and climb to the top of one of the children’s toys that was being occupied by children between the ages of 4 and 6," an officer wrote in an arrest report. "He then started shouting from the top telling the children that babies come out of women" — and used a vulgar (thô tục, thô bỉ; khiếm nhã, tục tĩu; thiếu thẩm mỹ, thiếu tế nhị) term in doing so.

"At that time parents were rushing to the area to remove their children," the officer wrote.

Police noted that Ryan has caused a number of disturbances (náo động, quấy rầy, nhiễu loạn) in the area recently — and jail records show a number of arrests over the last year on charges of disorderly (mất trật tự xã hội, bừa bãi phóng đãng) conduct, battery and carrying a concealed (che giấu, che đậy) weapon.

Tags: kid


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