"Mission creep" nghĩa là gì?

chiến tranh thương mại không hồi kết... Photo courtesy ruperto miller.

'Mission creep' có từ mission là sứ mệnh, nhiệm vụ, creep là sự dão (vì nhiệt...) -> từ này nghĩa là sự thay đổi dần dần các mục tiêu trong quá trình của một chiến dịch quân sự, thường dẫn đến một kế hoạch dài hạn không có kế hoạch (a gradual shift in objectives during the course of a military campaign, often resulting in an unplanned long-term commitment); 'sứ mệnh lan rộng'.

Ví dụ
Mission Creep - Chinese Trade Skirmishes (cuộc chạm trán) Lead to Visa Retaliation (trả đũa) on June 11.

With asset managers under more pressure to take environmental, social and governance issues into account in their investment decisions, the danger of mission creep is growing exponentially. Belik's call to arms is a clear example. The outrage at Facebook's cavalier (kỵ sĩ; người khéo chiều phụ nữ, người khéo nịnh đầm) attitude to user data is justified. But it’s the role of government and regulators, not asset managers, to tame  (thuần hóa) the excesses of modern capitalism.

Organizations, especially the fire service, are good at increasing the demands on their people and equipment. However, the fire service isn’t good at reducing demands because of budget and personnel constraints. Over time, this leads to “mission creep,” a term first used by the military to describe the process where an organization’s mission expands far beyond what was originally intended. A good example of fire service mission creep is the way many fire departments have taken on the obligation of emergency medical services (EMS). Over the course of a generation, the fire/EMS mission has exploded.

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