Vào mùa trái cây, du lịch miệt vườn hút khách

tính 6 usd/cân dâu tây, mà khách cứ vặt ăn thoải mái rồi mới mang giỏ ra tính tiền đúng 1 cân -> lỗ, chẳng nhẽ nói khách làm vậy có khác nào ăn trộm, phải làm sao?

-> tính vé vào cửa đủ hòa vốn, nhưng nhớ gọi tên là vé vào cửa chứ đừng gọi tên là tiền ăn dâu, vì nếu vậy thì họ càng ăn nhiều hơn (để bù tiền đã bỏ ra),
Dear Dan,

I have a farm where people come to pick blueberries, and I charge $3 per pound. The problem is that people think it is an open buffet and eat a lot of blueberries while in the field, and then they come back to the payment station with just $3 worth of blueberries. Without being rude, how can I let them know that they are stealing?


I must admit that when I’ve picked blueberries I too ate a few in the process. It’s just so tempting that I think it’s inhuman to ask people not to eat any. So if we accept that people will eat some blueberries in the process of picking, maybe the best approach is to charge an entrance fee to cover the cost of the snacking. But make sure to call it an entrance fee and not a snacking fee—otherwise people will try to maximize their benefit by eating even more blueberries.

Tags: economics

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