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tác giả tiểu thuyết lãng mạn ‘How To Murder Your Husband’ đã bị bắt vì... tình nghi là thủ phạm giết chồng :D

Romance novelist Nancy Crampton-Brophy also wrote the books “The Wrong Husband” and “Girl Most Likely To.”

Police in Portland, Oregon arrested Nancy Crampton-Brophy, 68, last Wednesday and charged her with murder (giết, tàn sát; vụ án mạng, tội giết người; một việc rất gay go; cái gây tổn hại lớn hoặc sự khó chịu) and the unlawful (trái pháp luật, ngoài giá thú, phi pháp, bất chính) use of a weapon (vũ khí). Her husband, a 63-year-old chef, was fatally (chết người, chí tử) shot (bắn) in a kitchen (bếp) at the Oregon Culinary Institute on June 2.

...Crampton-Brophy has since made her now-famous essay “How To Murder Your Husband” private. It was published on the See Jane Publish blog and reportedly included sections on motives (cớ, lý do, động cơ) and possible weapons.

In 2012, Crampton-Brophy told the Romancing the Genres blog what attracted her to romantic suspense (tình trạng chờ đợi, tình trạng hồi hộp) stories. “Murder, mayhem (tội gây phế tật cho người khác) and gore (đổ máu, vũng máu) seem to come naturally to me which means my husband has learned to sleep with one eye open (ngủ với một mắt vẫn mở -> cảnh giác),”...

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