Đừng tỏ ra quá thân thiện

nhân viên an ninh tại sân bay ấn độ bị cấm 'không được cười với du khách', vì như vậy dễ khiến họ lầm tưởng an ninh lỏng lẻo

This is over concerns cheerfulness (hoan hỉ, vui vẻ, phấn khởi) could lead to a perception of lax (lỏng lẻo, không chặt chẽ) security and a threat (lời đe dọa, hăm dọa) of terror (khủng bố) attacks (tấn công).

The country's Central Industrial Security Force, which is in charge of aviation safety, wants its staff to be "more vigilant (cảnh giác, thận trọng) than friendly (thân thiện)".

They will move from a "broad smile system" to a "sufficient smile system", the Indian Express says.

Officials are said to believe that excessive friendliness puts airports at risk of terrorist attacks.

The organisation's director general, Rajesh Ranjan even said the 9/11 attacks had taken place because of "an excessive reliance on passenger-friendly features".

Tags: india

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