Vì sao WeChat thất bại ở Ấn Độ?

vì tính năng "find friends nearby", nên nhiều phụ nữ cảm thấy bị quấy rầy và uninstall không dùng,

sao ở Việt Nam, zalo (cũng có cổ phần của Tencent), với tính năng "tìm quanh đây" tương tự thì lại phát triển mạnh vậy các bạn? ;)

... Another design feature in the app allowed users to look up and send add-friend requests to WeChat users nearby. During initial onboarding when users were just checking app's features, many would tap the "people nearby" feature, which would switch on location sharing by default – including with strangers. Once location sharing with strangers was switched on, it wasn't very intuitive to turn it off.

"Women used to get a lot of unwarranted messages from men, which was a major turn off and many of them left the platform," Gupta says. "China probably didn't have this stalking problem."

When this feedback was reported to China, the cultural nuance was missed or executives there didn't think of these features as potential challenges, he adds.

Tags: chinaindia


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