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...scientists from the University of Yamanashi in Japan decribed their attempts to clone (tái sinh bằng phương pháp vô tính, nhân bản) mice (chuột) from feces (phân). As you can imagine, the process was a little messy.

Lead author Satoshi Kamimura and his colleagues aimed to use nuclear transfer to accomplish the feat. This is the same strategy (chiến lược) previously (trước đây) utilized (được dùng/sử dụng) to clone Dolly the Sheep in 1996, as well as two monkeys earlier this year.

The researchers first attempted to collect cells from the surface of mice droppings (phân). A process of harvesting, centrifuging (ly tâm, phân cách), mixing in solution (dung dịch hòa tan), and centrifuging again yielded what the authors termed "cell-like bodies." Kamimura and his team hoped that most of these were epidermal cells from the mice intestines,...

"Feces cells might be useful for the conservation (bảo tồn) of endangered species (động vật quý hiếm có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng) when technical improvements are achieved," the researchers say.

Tags: science

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