"An eye for the main chance" nghĩa là gì?

a nose for the win. Photo courtesy U.S. Army.

'An eye for the main chance' nghĩa là luôn tìm kiếm cơ hội để thăng tiến bản thân hoặc kiếm tiền (mà không để ý đến người khác).

Ví dụ
Matt comes from a political family; his father was president of the Florida Senate, and Matt served in the Florida House from the tender age of 22. He has an eye for the main chance and a nose for the win.

Malcolm Turnbull's fall was part Greek tragedy and part farce (tình huống khó khăn, tình huống trớ trêu; hài kịch). He overflowed with natural gifts - brains, quick wits and an eye for the main chance which netted him great wealth. They were qualities that brought him to the prime ministership. But they weren't enough to secure the highest job in the land.

There has never been a better description of the distinctive character of British parliamentary intrigue than the one in Anthony Trollope’s Palliser novels, particularly the two masterpieces Phineas Finn and Phineas Redux. They tell the story of an Irish MP trying to decide whether he can work with the English political elite (giới tinh hoa chính trị), and what price he will have to pay if he does: a question that has never gone away. The backdrop is a lightly fictionalised account of Disraeli’s attempt to bring the Conservative party around to supporting the Reform Act of 1867. Trollope’s Disraeli is portrayed as a duplicitous (dối trá, lừa lọc) hypocrite who somehow pulls the rabbit out of the hat. He gets his way despite having no principles of his own and almost no one on his side. Anyone who thinks the Conservative party stands for tradition and continuity over improvisation and an eye for the main chance should read these books.

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