Đất chật người đông

nhật bản tính trả 600 triệu đồng cho những ai rời tokyo về quê lập nghiệp :)

việt nam trả 1 tỷ chắc langdu bỏ quận hoàn kiếm ngay :D

... However, this has resulted in a population drain on other parts of Japan, who see their best and brightest moving out of the region, never to return. In recent years, the Japanese government has been looking into ways to revitalize the country's fading small-to-mid-sized regional communities, and now it's proposing what might be its most bluntly direct tactic yet: bribing (hối lộ, chi tiền) people to move out of Tokyo.

Last week, the federal government said that it's considering establishing a system to provide financial grants (trợ cấp tài chính) to people currently living in Tokyo's 23 central wards (the most populated parts of the city) who move away to start new jobs or set up new companies. They're not talking pocket change, either, as the early proposal would give you up to three million yen to get out of town.

Tags: japan


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