Mày râu nhẵn nhụi

'áo quần bảnh bao' -> khiến phụ nữ mê mẩn,

-> tầm bậy, đàn ông có râu mới hấp dẫn phụ nữ, khoa học đã chứng minh :)

The research, which was published in the Journal of Evolutionary Biology, saw 8,520 women asked to rate photographs of men with and without beards for their facial attractiveness (hấp dẫn nét mặt).

Each of the men was snapped (ảnh chụp nhanh) clean-shaven (cạo nhẵn thín), five days after shaving, 10 days after shaving and, finally, four weeks after shaving.

The women involved were randomly assigned (chọn ngẫu nhiên) to treatments wherein they rated faces for either attractiveness in general, attractiveness for a short‐term relationship or attractiveness for a long‐term relationship (quan hệ lâu dài).

Incredibly, every single woman surveyed as part of the study preferred the pictures of the men where they were sporting facial hair.

Heavy stubble (râu (tóc) mọc lởm chởm) came out on top, receiving the highest rating for general attractiveness.

Bài trước: Nổi lửa lên em
Tags: marriage


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