"Angry as a wasp" nghĩa là gì?

Photo courtesy Laurie Nature Bee.

'Angry as a wasp' = giận giữ như ong vò vẽ -> nghĩa là cộc tính, nóng nảy; 'giãy lên như đỉa phải vôi', giãy lên như cá lóc bị đập đầu.

Ví dụ
Whether the Policy Makers like it or not, I'm back inside their hallowed portals as angry as a wasp - and just as nasty.

Her cellphone buzzed, angry as a wasp in her pocket. Sydney debated whether to answer it. She'd forgotten her headset and Route 1 was crwaling with cops. Still, what if it was something urgent?

You don’t know what it’s like to be alone until the day when your boyfriend, angry as a wasp, leaves you in the crowded plaza in the middle of Cuzco. You sit there, hugging your backpack and kicking your hiking boots against the dusty steps for a minute, and then an hour, and then two, until you’re wild with worry, strung out on fear. Because the sun is starting to set over the Spanish cathedral, and you’ve heard that you have to be careful, that gangs of feral (hoang dã; hung dữ, hung tợn, cục súc) boys will take everything but your underwear (quần lót). And people are watching you: the hunched (lưng còng) lady selling gourds (quả bầu) engraved with stories of saints and heartbreak; and the extroverted shoe-shine kids, who come so close you can see the reflection of the sky in their jet hair. Their eyes are hungry. You can’t stay much longer. But if you go, how will he ever find you again?

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