Thành phần trong salad khiến bạn không thể giảm cân

một con ếch sống :)

When Naomi Stahl got home Friday night with her takeout order from Cava, she discovered an ingredient (phần hợp thành, thành phần) in her salad bowl that she had not ordered.

A live frog.

“It was jumping all around the bowl,” said Stahl, who lives in Northwest Washington. “Its legs were really long.”

Like mice parts that occasionally show up in fast-food burgers, the frog in Stahl’s salad was an invasive (xâm nhập, lan tràn) protein.

Cava, the fast-growing Mediterranean restaurant chain that started in Rockville, Md., and has dozens of locations around the country, does not offer frog legs on its menu — dead or alive.

Stahl had ordered chicken...

Bài trước: Quà tặng mùa đông
Tags: health

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