Ác mộng Huawei đối với an ninh của Mỹ và đồng minh

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There could be “kill switches” (tắt điện khẩn cấp) in Huawei equipment …
The Chinese firm is the world’s largest manufacturer of things like base stations and antennas that mobile operators use to run wireless networks. And those networks carry data that’s used to help control power grids, financial markets, transport systems, and other parts of countries’ vital infrastructure. The fear is that China’s military and intelligence services could insert software or hardware “back doors” into Huawei’s gear that they could exploit to degrade or disable foreign wireless networks in the event of a crisis. This has led to moves in the US to block Chinese equipment from being used.

... that even close inspections miss
Back doors could be used for data snooping

...The rollout of 5G wireless networks will make everything worse
As well as speeding up data transfers, 5G networks will enable self-driving cars to talk to each other and to things like smart traffic lights. They’ll also connect and control a vast number of robots in factories and other locations. And the military will use them for all kinds of applications, too. This will dramatically expand the number of connected devices—and the chaos that can be caused if the networks supporting them are hacked. It will also ramp up the amount of corporate and other data that hackers can target. 

Chinese firms will ship tech to countries in defiance of a US trade embargo
Huawei isn’t as immune to Chinese government influence as it claims to be

Tags: china

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