Có nên lấy tiền mừng tuổi của con?


bị con kiện ra tòa, và phải trả cả gốc lẫn lãi đấy...

It is a Lunar New Year tradition in China to give children money in red packets, known as hongbao. But when the unnamed child’s father, surnamed Su, withdrew the saved funds from the bank – with interest – his son took him to court.

The case was heard in the Baiyun (Bạch Vân) District Court in Guangdong (Quảng Đông) province, southern China, which recently ordered Su to return the money to his son.

...Su had deposited 3,000 yuan (US$440) into the child’s bank account between February 2014 and March 2015. The money had been given to the boy in red packets. In March 2016, Su withdrew the entire amount, together with interest of 45 yuan, without his son’s permission.

...During the case, Su accused (buộc tội) the boy’s mother of abusing (lạm dụng) the child’s ignorance (không biết/thiếu hiểu biết) and misleading (lừa dối, lừa gạt, phỉnh lừa) him into suing. Su claimed the money was given to the child by his friends and relatives who were unrelated to the mother. He also said he had promised his son to return the money, together with the interest, when he grew up.

Tags: chinakid

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