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học sinh ở scotland xén cỏ ở sân trường hình... CON CU, lớn tới mức có thể nhìn từ vệ tinh (google earth)

The picture shows the faint but unmistakable (có thể nhận ra rõ ràng, hiển nhiên, không thể nhầm lẫn) outline of a 60ft phallus (tượng dương vật) on the playing field, just yards from the nearest building at the school in Stonehaven, Aberdeenshire.

It appears that the image was created by wearing away the grass to reveal the earth beneath. It is not clear when the satellite image was captured.

Colin Sim uploaded a screenshot of Google Maps image which clearly shows the male genitalia on the field. He sarcastically commented: “Not at all sure what this is meant to be in Stonehaven.”

Tags: sex


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