"Come into the world" nghĩa là gì?

Chào mừng thiên thần đã tới thế giới này! Photo by Patricia Prudente on Unsplash.
'Come into the world' nghĩa là được sinh ra.

Ví dụ
A Madison County couple has quite the story to tell after their baby was determined (xác định) to come into the world much faster than her parents expected.

Stephanie Caroon was stranded (mắc kẹt) in her Oakridge neighbor's home by a snowstorm (bão tuyết) that had cut out electricity for several days. And her baby McKenzie was ready to come into the world. The same storm toppled (làm đổ) trees and power lines on the one highway out of town. So when it was time for McKenzie to come into the world that night, Stephanie's friends busted out their flashlights (đèn pin). A wood stove kept her warm.

One thing that all newborn babies (trẻ sơ sinh) experience as they come into the world is a sudden change in the temperature around them. They have just spent the last nine months all warm and cozy (thoải mái) in that nearly 100-degree womb (dạ con) of yours, and then on their birthday, they find themselves in a strange, bright space that is far colder than anything they ever felt.

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