Ông ngoại dễ tính

cho cháu chơi điện thoại, biết cả mật khẩu tài khoản tiền để mua thức ăn,

và đã sốc khi bị mất toàn bộ lương hưu gần 140 triệu vnd vì cháu tip và mua quà tặng... gái xinh trên mạng :D

...Li then checked his bank transactions records and discovered that almost all of his money had been paid to live-streaming app iQiyi in the span of three days.

...“He likes to play on my mobile phone and knows the password to my online cash account,” Li was quoted as saying.

He said he gave the pin number (mật khẩu) to his grandson so he could pay for food on his own. Li admitted (thừa nhận) that he rarely supervises (chẳng mấy khi giám sát) the child’s transactions online.

Li, who lives with his daughter and son-in-law, revealed that the 40,000 yuan in his bank was his retirement income (thu nhập từ lương hưu) for the entire year (trong cả năm).

After the family reported the case to iQiyi, the company conducted an investigation (điều tra) and said it would offer a refund to the grandfather. Since Xiaowei is deemed a minor in China, he has limited civil conduct capacity.

Tags: chinakid


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