Mèo ú "bất hủ" ở Istanbul

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It seems only right that on a day like October 4th—World Animal Day—the people of Istanbul unveil a new bronze statue (tượng đồng) of their beloved (được yêu quý) local cat celebrity who has become a global star (ngôi sao toàn cầu). His name was Tombili and he became an Internet sensation quickly after photos of him looking effortlessly (một cách dễ dàng, không tốn sức lực) laid-back were shared on the viral site 9GAG. Only missing a top hat, Tombili was the kind of dapper street cat that epitomizes (là hình ảnh thu nhỏ của, là mẫu điển hình của) being cool.

Although Tombili didn’t seem to have a dedicated (chuyên dụng, được thiết kế cho một ý đồ riêng biệt duy nhất) home, his portly (bệ vệ, béo tốt, đẫy đà) build suggests that his neighborhood took good care of him. He practically became their town mascot (vật lấy phước), reminding passersby (người qua đường) to take it easy and find time to relax. Unfortunately, the fluffy (mịn như lông tơ, phủ lông tơ) feline (thành viên họ nhà mèo) fell ill recently and passed away on August 1 of this year. Heartbroken, his local fans knew they had to do something to keep his memory alive...

Tags: funny

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