"World without end" nghĩa là gì?

thề non hẹn biển. Photo by Elizeu Dias on Unsplash.
'World without end' = vĩnh viễn, mãi mãi.

Ví dụ
But in Nigeria, nothing, except death, is guaranteed (đảm bảo). The popular prayer phrase (cụm từ cầu nguyện phổ biến) among some Christians - "as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end," best describes the violence (bạo lực), intimidation (dọa dẫm), arson (đốt phá) and killings often witnessed across Nigeria during elections (bầu cử). Like all the previous elections the February 23 election was characterised by violence and vote rigging (gian lận).

In a kinder, gentler time, the review of “framework legislation” (luật khung) governing the financial sector was a decennial (mười năm) exercise, then it became a five-year review. Pushed still more by the pace of change, this review has become a rolling one, the financial services equivalent of a world without end.

Even then, my mom was never proud of me. I never planned on having children because of what I went through growing up, but now I'm pregnant (mang thai) and I love this little human world without end and I'm already in fear of my child being around people, even my own relatives (họ hàng).

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