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người đàn ông thử chế độ chống va chạm tự lái của xe tesla bằng cách cố lao xe đâm vào... vợ

Tesla ’s autopilot anti-collision feature has been put to the test in a ‘dangerous’ experiment  (thí nghiệm nguy hiểm) that saw a man try to run over his wife.

YouTuber KriszXstream filmed the risky trial, during which his wife stepped out in front of his speeding car.

...During the first test, the man drives towards his wife, who crosses the road in front of the car.

Worryingly, the car gets very close to the brave woman, forcing her to run out of the way.

While an alarm can be heard inside the car, it doesn’t appear as if the car would have stopped for the woman.

Tags: marriage


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