Hàu nướng mỡ hành ngon chuẩn vị

Ngon thật đấy.. nhưng mà cần nhịn bớt đi thôi!!!

Oysters (con hàu) act like the ocean's kidneys (thận của đại dương), filtering (lọc) out pollutants (chất ô nhiễm) and leaving behind clean water (nước sạch).

...Around the world, 85% of oyster beds and reef (dãy đá san hô) habitats have been lost since their historic highs. It makes them the world's most endangered marine habitat. The stark (khắc nghiệt, ảm đạm) collapse (giảm mạnh) of their populations means that their rejuvenating effect on the oceans is being lost, at a time when water pollution is a more acute problem than ever.

A single oyster can filter 50 gallons (227 liters) of water a day.

They remove pollutants and release cleaner water in which life can more easily develop. Tiny animals also live in and on the shells, which in turn attract more animals and underpin entire ecosystems.

Oysters are being driven to annihilation by pollution, non-native species, and overfishing (đánh bắt quá mức) — and when they disappear, so does the sea life which relies on them.

Tags: health

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