"Have green fingers" nghĩa là gì?

Nảy mầm Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
'Have green fingers' là có những ngón tay 'xanh'. Nhắc đến 'xanh' thì thường nghĩ tới cây cối => câu này chỉ một người có tài trồng cây, làm vườn, người mát tay chăm sóc cây cối.

Ví dụ
What is your advice (lời khuyên) for someone who says they don’t have green fingers (or, y’know, has so far killed every single plant they’ve brought into their home)? 
Don’t give up (đừng nản chí)! Start with something simple such as herbs (thảo mộc) and with practice you’ll know how to read plants. So long as you plant them correctly and water them carefully, you’ll do great.

I love the trend (xu hướng) for houseplants (cây trồng trong nhà), but I don’t have green fingers!Not since the 1970s have houseplants enjoyed such popularity (phổ biến), in part fuelled (tiếp thêm lửa) by gardenless (thiếu không gian vườn) urbanites (cuộc sống đô thị) hankering (mong ước, khao khát) for the feeling of fingers in soil (đất) and a connection to the outdoors.

Chef Naledi reckons (cho rằng) although she loves fresh ingredients (nguyên liệu), she doesn’t quite have “green fingers” – despite coming from an agricultural family (gia đình thuần nông).

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