"Pay top dollar" nghĩa là gì?

Nhìn là biết tiền Việt mình rồi nhé Photo by Niels Steeman on Unsplash
'Pay top dollar' là trả rất nhiều tiền, đôi khi là trả với mức giá cao nhất.

Ví dụ
“It’s a competitive (cạnh tranh) environment,” Frederickson says. “CEOs (tổng giám đốc) are realizing (nhận ra rằng) that they really have to pay to play (trả tiền để chơi, "xuống tiền"). They have to pay top dollar to get the people they want.”

The rise of Tesla did not only prove that (chứng tỏ rằng) electric cars (xe điện) need not be boring (nhàm chán), glorified (được tôn vinh) golf carts. The rise of Tesla also showed that consumers (khách hàng) from various walks of life (từ mọi tầng lớp xã hội) are willing to pay top dollar for well-designed electric vehicles, simply because they are superior to internal combustion (động cơ đốt trong) cars.

There is a common sentiment (cảm tính) that more data is good. But the reality is that for the vast majority of businesses, you don’t need to collect detailed personal data about customers, because you probably won’t use it. Unless you have a large technical team with security experts (chuyên gia về an ninh) or can pay top dollar for top solutions, the easiest way to prevent a painful hack is to limit the data you collect. – Aaron Schwartz, Passport.

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