"A monkey on your back" nghĩa là gì?

Mưu sinh... Photo by Adli Wahid on Unsplash
'A monkey on your back' = con khỉ trên lưng -> nghĩa là gánh nặng khiến cuộc sống của bạn trở nên khó khăn hơn, ngoài ra nó còn một nghĩa khác để chỉ một người nghiện ma túy.

Ví dụ
If there’s a monkey on your back, that’s where the solution needs to be. Your style says a lot about you, so I propose (đề xuất) some high-tech (công nghệ cao) office wear that really makes a statement. The statement being “I’m busy, go away”.

“Is 150 a monkey on your back? Yeah, but I don’t let that stuff bother me,” Force said. “I don’t think about it. I’ll get it sooner or later, unless I have a heart attack (đau tim) – and that could happen, I just hope it don’t happen on the racetrack (đường đua).

If you’re like me, and presumably (ước chừng) millions of other folks across Los Estados Unidos, student loan debt (món nợ thời sinh viên, vay tiền để trả học phí đại học) is a monkey on your back. I personally know people whose student loan (cho vay) burden ranges from $4,000 to as high as $200,000. Whether you’re on the low end or the probably-need-to-stay-high-to-manage-it high end, no sentence is more exciting than, “We’ll pay off your student loans!”

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