"A touch of the sun" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Stacey Gabrielle Koenitz Rozells on Unsplash
"A touch of the sun" = cơn say nắng nhẹ, bị đổ mồ hôi, đau đầu và sốt.

Ví dụ 
I kept toiling (lao động mệt nhọc) away at the machine, not realizing that I was suffering from a touch of the sun and hadn't been able to think straight for over an hour. 

I've had a touch of the sun, I think." The sun! What he had was a touch of darkness! Annette's voice, French and composed, said: “Sit down, it will pass, then." Her hand pressed his shoulder, and Soames sank (chìm) into a chair. 

Each one showed the touch of blight in bloom. Every petal (cánh hoa), just unclosed and dewy (phủ sương) at the core, was curled along the edges, scorched in the bud (nụ bị khô héo). It was not mildew (nấm mốc) or canker (thối mục) or disease, only " a touch of sun."

Oh how handsome he looked today under the autumn sun. Shirt sleeves rolled (tay áo xắn) to expose his biceps (bắp tay). We have a big night ahead of us, not to mention the rest of the season; "I don't want you falling ill from a touch of the sun. Be a good girl now and run inside for the afternoon, oh, and ask Pip if she could send some refreshments out, I'm famished." 

Thu Phương

Bài trước: "Think the sun shines out of your arse" nghĩa là gì?
Tags: phrase

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