"Think the sun shines out of your arse" nghĩa là gì?

Tự mãn sẽ không khiến ta đi xa được. Photo by R A on Unsplash 
"Think the sun shines out of someone's arse/backside/bottom" = Mặt trời tỏa sáng từ mông/lưng của một người. Dùng trong văn nói (tiếng lóng) chủ yếu ở Mỹ, nghĩa là đánh giá rất cao ai đó và cho rằng mọi thứ họ làm đều tốt. 

Ví dụ 
We need more money for this job. I think you should be the one to ask the boss (sếp) — he thinks the sun shines out of your backside! 

The media (and some fans) think the sun shines out Lennon's backside - well, we aren't doing anything special in the league (giải đấu) and we are doing worse in the cups than we did under Stubbs, or even the disastrous (tàn khốc) Fenlon. Time for Lennon to show he is more than hot air. 

While letting your friends scare you off a new datemate (bạn đời) could mean missing out on the love of your life, the opposite situation – friends who think the sun shines out of your SO's arse – can present just as many problems. Not least when you start doubting (hoài nghi) your own instincts (bản năng). 

Self awarenes (tự nhận thức) is perhaps the biggest skill that you need to hone (trau dồi). When I was working as a music photographer (and I use the word "working" very loosely) I thought the sun was shining out of my bottom. I was angry that I wasn’t getting booked to shoot the big magazine covers (bìa tạp chí) and that I was stuck shooting (chụp) little regional magazines. Looking back at that time now, I can see how my work was the wrong style and generally just not good enough, but at the time I didn’t have the self awareness to realize this. 

Thu Phương 

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