"Have a heart of glass" nghĩa là gì?

Trẻ con là bậc thầy về bộc lộ cảm xúc Photo by Jordan Whitt on Unsplash
'Have a heart of glass' = có trái tim như thủy tinh mong manh, dễ vỡ -> chỉ một người có cảm xúc mong manh, nhạy cảm, dễ bị người khác tác động.

Ví dụ
We later learn Midas' father had a heart of glass. Every time he felt affection (cảm mến), he felt a piercing pain (nỗi đau nhói lòng), like a shard (mảnh vỡ) of glass, but it turned out that his heart was actually turning to glass.

Chris - Quite a lazy and dull (buồn tẻ) offering from the successful song writing duo of Philip Vella and Gerard James Borg. Cherise has a good voice but shaky (run run, run rẩy) intonation (âm điệu) and her blank expression (biểu hiện vô hồn) makes her look like she actually does have a heart of glass.

Just like an insect (côn trùng), Aquarius (cung Bảo Bình) may sometimes seem to lack a heart, but that isn't true. The reality is that all Aquarians have a heart of glass that's easily shattered (tan vỡ). They value (coi trọng) everyone, and when they feel betrayed (phản bội), they'll pick up a glass splinter (mảnh vỡ, mảnh vụn, mảnh dăm bào) from their broken heart and use it on anyone who hurt them.

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