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các nhà khoa học cũng nói vậy đấy: làm việc nhà giúp não bộ trẻ trung

The findings (kết quả nghiên cứu) mirror (mô phỏng) upcoming guidance (hướng dẫn) from the UK chief medical officers, and existing US guidelines, which say light activity (hoạt động thể chất nhẹ) or very short bouts (đợt) of exercise (tập thể dục) are beneficial (có ích) to health – even if it is just a minute or two at a time – countering the previous view that there was a threshold that must be reached before there were significant benefits.

“Our study results don’t discount moderate or vigorous (sôi nổi, mãnh liệt, đầy sinh lực) physical activity as being important for healthy ageing. We are just adding to the science, suggesting that light-intensity physical activity might be important too, especially for the brain,” said Dr Nicole Spartarno, first author of the study from Boston University, adding that light activity might include a gentle walk or household chores (việc vặt trong gia đình).

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