"A black mark against" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by David Paschke on Unsplash 

"A black mark against someone/something" = đánh dấu đen phản đối một người/ vấn đề -> một người/ điều gì gây ra lỗi lầm, làm những điều mà không ai chấp nhận. "Black mark" được hiểu là dấu "x" thường để đánh dấu về điều gì sai. 

Ví dụ 
"It's only another black mark against this area. There are good people who live here, who wouldn't do something like this... it is what it is." Mary said a lot of people in the area were saddened by what happened. 

He said “nucular” (nói lái của "nuclear") and it was one more black mark against his intelligence. But this syllable-flip (đổi âm tiết) is in fact a fairly common linguistic process called metathesis (phép âm vị chuyển hoán). 

It’s another black mark against Napoleon Bonaparte de Blasio, who inconveniently (bất tiện) found himself in Waterloo, Iowa, when the lights went out in Manhattan on Saturday night. He had to rush back (vội vã quay lại) — NYPD security detail in tow (kéo theo) — and had to pay top dollar for hotel rooms and airfare (vé máy bay). 

Thu Phương 

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