"Babe in the woods" nghĩa là gì?

Đang buồn ngủ mà bắt ngồi dậy chụp ảnh, thiệt là bực Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

'Babe in the woods' = em bé lạc trong rừng -> người hiền lành, vô tội, ngây thơ hay có ít kinh nghiệm trong tình huống cụ thể nào đó.

Ví dụ
"Obviously, the law protects the victim here," said Mr Yeo. "That's why my client is here today. But the victim was no babe in the woods."

First, last week's timeline was well established, so this gaslighting (lạm dụng tâm lý) to make Trump be just a babe in the woods rather than a racist troll instigating (xúi giục, chủ mưu) xenophobia (bài ngoại) is laughable.

Of course, she had to speak at the BOE candidate forum, but few community members attended and she was elected to fill her first 2-year term. “I was a babe in the woods…sorting things out and negotiating my point of view,” she said. “I didn’t realize all that went on and was more interested in the education process. For 14 years, I had gone to a private girls’ school and knew little about public education.”

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