"Challenge the status quo" nghĩa là gì?

nếu ko ai đứng dậy chống lại nước Anh, Mỹ có khi giờ này vẫn là thuộc địa.* Photo courtesy Spiterman.

"Challenge the status quo" = thách thức nguyên trạng -> hành xử hoặc làm một việc gì đó trái với những điều được chấp nhận, mong đợi.

Ví dụ
My favorite piece of the president’s recent tweet was when he accused (buộc tội) the congresswomen of “viciously telling (nói một cách luẩn quẩn) the people of the United States … how our government is to be run.” Again, Google will tell you that’s their job. Keep in mind, if no one ever challenged the status quo we’d still belong to England. And only white, male landowners could vote (bầu chọn).

I like troublemakers (kẻ gây rối), which means any woman on the planet who has the audacity (sự táo bạo) to speak her mind, challenge the status quo, fight for and cheer on other women, and whose life is a demonstration (sự trình diễn) of personal power, activism (năng động), and self-awareness (tự nhận thức, hiểu được chính mình). That’s my definition (định nghĩa) of an icon (biểu tượng).

Movements don’t happen in places where people are comfortable with the way things are happening around them. Movements do happen in Oakland, where people aren’t afraid to challenge the status quo.

Since its launch, Convex leaders have described how the specialty (đặc sản, đặc biệt) re/insurer is designed for the evolving insurance industry, and it’s clear that the long-term, strategic partnership with WNS is a key part of its efforts (nỗ lực) to challenge the status quo and create value across the chain.

Ngọc Lân

Bài trước "A blessing in disguise" nghĩa là gì?

*Robert Morris, George Washington and Haym Salomon Statue. 

The government of the united states which gives bigotry no sanction to persecution no assisstance requires that they who live under its protection should demean themselves as good citizens in giving it on all occasions thier effectual support president george washington - 1790.

On the corner of Wabash Avenue and Wacker Drive, just a couple blocks southwest of the Tribune Tower, stands a testament to the fact that people of different backgrounds had to come together to help our nation come into existence.

In this memorial along the Chicago River, George Washington, in his Revolutionary War uniform, shakes hands with English-born Robert Morris on his right and Polish-Jewish emigrant Hyam Salomon on his left. Morris, who actually was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, and Salomon gave their financial support to assure victory in the American Revolution, raising thousands of dollars to assist the American Army in its battle against the British. At the base of the statue, a plaque envisions a multitude of people being welcomed by Liberty and her outstretched arms.

Alderman Barnet Hodes commissioned the sculpture in the 1930s and raised the necessary money. Loredo Taft, whose ancestors fought in the Revolutionary War, designed the work but died in 1936 after completing only a small model. His associates were given a new contract, and three of them (Nellie Walker, Leonard Crunelle, and Mary Webster) each enlarged one of the figures, finishing the artwork in 1941. It has proudly stood by the Chicago River since 2002.

Text by Ray Dumas
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