"Have more chins than a Chinese phone book" nghĩa là gì?

Photo courtesy: Mark Silber 

"Have more chins than a Chinese phone book" = có nhiều cằm hơn cả quyển danh bạ Trung Quốc -> ý chỉ người rất béo, có nọng dày. Ngoài ra "Chin" cũng là họ có nhiều ở Trung Quốc. 

Ví dụ 
He was so-called because he had more chins than a Chinese phone book. Interestingly, he didn't really have a shoulders, nor a neck. 

She remembered the old joke: 'More chins than the Chinese phone directory". That's what this was. The face of Cobey Myles was now a Chinese phone directory. Is that how that saying goes?” 

“I think it's more Chins than a Chinese phone book.” “Huh. I don't get it. Anyhow, Arlo expected his wife to be more than the town gossip. 

My dad worked for 3M and traveled a lot, and he once came back from Hong Kong and wordlessly (lặng lẽ) handed me 30 pages torn from the White Pages in his hotel, and I looked and it was all the Chins in a Chinese phonebook. Because he'd heard me laughing at someone on The Tonight Show saying, "He had more chins than a Chinese phone book." 

Thu Phương 

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