"Honesty is the best policy" nghĩa là gì?

Khai thật không phải tốt hơn à! Photo courtesy: Victor Hamberlin

"Honesty is the best policy" = thật thà là cách giải quyết tốt nhất. Cụm từ này thường dùng để khuyên mọi người nói thật luôn tốt hơn là giả dối. Nói vui là "Thật thà là cha quỷ quái".

Ví dụ
The company has high moral standards (tiêu chuẩn đạo đức) and has the words “honesty is the best policy” written all over its premises (cơ ngơi, dinh cơ).

They say honesty is the best policy, and Marvin hasn’t shied (tránh né) away from being upfront (thẳng thắn) about his least attractive qualities. The 29-year-old, who has a penchant (yêu thích) for Jessica Alba, described himself as “strongly opinionated and very competitive”. He said: “I speak my mind, but that can upset (làm khó chịu) people sometimes. I am very quick to judge, and sometimes do that too quickly. I’m not very empathetic either.”

Meoldbamboo had a cautionary (cảnh báo) tale, "Someone at my husband's work was sacked (sa thải) for this (one of a few issues) as he used to do this regularly when he and his wife needed to catch a plane for holiday: meetings weirdly coincided (trùng hợp) with a hotel stay. Their company policy does not allow it. Also the company insurance may not cover you in case of an accident. Honesty is the best policy I believe (but I'm a bit of a stickler (câu nệ) for rules!)."

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