"New wine in old bottles" nghĩa là gì

Rượu ngon phải có bạn hiền Photo by Emma Paillex on Unsplash

'New wine in old bottles' = bình cũ rượu mới -> áp dụng những cái mới, đổi mới vào những gì đã có từ lâu đời (hệ thống, phương pháp,...). Cụm này cũng hay xuất hiện dưới dạng câu 'you can't put new wine into old bottles' = bạn không nên đổ rượu mới vào bình cũ, nếu không bình sẽ vỡ và rượu cũng mất ngon.

Ví dụ
It is easy to cri­tique (chỉ trích) peo­ple when you are at a dis­tant and don’t know their sit­u­a­tion and say we should pass leg­is­la­tion (luật pháp). For me, new wine in old bot­tles nev­er fix­es any­thing."

If a new report from Economic Daily News is true, there is no new iPhone SE in the works—at least, not in the current 4-inch form factor—but there may be a similar “new wine in old bottles” product on the horizon.

These special provisions (điều khoản) included reservation (giữ lại) in higher education and for appointment in certain categories of jobs. The amendment (sửa đổi) is premised (trình bày) on Article 46 in the Directive Principles of State Policy which places an obligation (trách nhiệm, nghĩa vụ) on the State to "promote with special care the educational and economic interests of the weaker sections of the people". Since 'reservation' seems to have been on the menu right from independence, is this a case of new wine in old bottles or is it just more of the same old?

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