"Not give a rat's ass" nghĩa là gì?

Người vô gia cư, một trong những mặt tối của xã hội nhưng chẳng được mấy ai quan tâm :( Photo by: John Moeses Bauan on Unsplash

"Not give a rat's ass" có từ rat's ass là đít chuột -> đây là câu bậy, bày tỏ việc không thèm quan tâm đến một việc hoặc một ai đó, thậm chí là không coi trọng họ.

Ví dụ
There was a time when the world could not give a rat's ass to what was inside Area 51. In fact, chances are, that if you weren't an American native (người Mỹ bản địa) or a conspiracy theorists (người theo thuyết âm mưu), you wouldn't even know what Area 51 was in the first place. But now, thanks to a Californian due called Matty Roberts and his jokingly created Facebook event, close to 2 million people want to storm Area 51 which, FYI, is actually a super super secret US Air Force Base in Nevada.

Is my phrasing a little too aggressive (cục súc)? Designed to prevent (phòng ngừa) sleep? Maybe that’s going a tiny bit too far. Instead let’s say: Why do the people who design hospitals not give a rat’s ass about patients (bệnh nhân) getting any sleep?

It PROVES (chứng tỏ) beyond a shadow of doubt (chắc chắn rằng) that they do not give a rat’s ass about children or the quality of their lives. Once they are born they can starve to death (chết đói) for all these so-called “right to lifers” care! Of course, we know, their first choice is to have all these un-aborted lives they’ve so nobly “saved” adopted out to “good” Christian homes to be trained as soldiers for their god.

Ngọc Lân

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