"Take a hint" nghĩa là gì?

Hình như có ai gọi tên mình. Photo courtesy: Michael.PortrayingLife.com

"Take a hint" -> nghĩa là hiểu được lời gợi ý, "hiểu ý", "biết ý".

Ví dụ
You're a relentless (tàn nhẫn) hypocrite (đồ đạo đức giả) who can never take a hint when consensus (sự đồng thuận) doesn't support your agenda (mục đích).

Like an overeager illusionist (ảo tưởng thái quá), a (visible) belt will instantly saw you in half. Instead, take a hint from tailoring snobs (kẻ hợm hĩnh) and wear your trousers higher on your actual, ‘natural’ waist, not your hips. By doing so, you’ll emphasise your leg length and remove the need for a belt altogether.

Trump, never one to take a hint, responded with an attack on Roberts by name, insisting (nhấn mạnh) that the chief’s cherished (ấp ủ) ideal of judicial independence (độc lập tư pháp) is a joke. “Sorry Chief Justice John Roberts, but you do indeed have ‘Obama judges,’ and they have a much different point of view than the people who are charged with the safety of our country.”

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Bài trước: "Over the counter" nghĩa là gì?
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