"Wipe the floor with" nghĩa là gì?

Cố lên các bạn, với tinh thần teamwork thì đánh bại họ chỉ là một chuyện dễ như bỡn!! Photo by: Masonite Burn on flickr

"Wipe the floor with" = lau sàn -> ý nói việc dễ dàng hạ bệ một đối thủ.

Ví dụ
Without Multicast procs, the Ogre Magi is a fairly cookie-cutter hero with reliable but otherwise unremarkable spells (phép thuật không đáng kể) and damage output. But if you roll the dice (tung xúc xắc) just right, you can wipe the floor with your enemies.

It messed with (gây sự với) their preparations but the manager insists they will have no excuses (lời biện minh) if Ireland wipe the floor with them at the Yerevan Football Academy Stadium today.

The wind-up (mưu toan, có chủ tâm) merchant (thương gia) was in a sparring mood (trong tâm trạng muốn cãi nhau) ahead of his set on the Pyramid stage as he taunted (chế nhạo): ‘He is a great songwriter, but as a f***ing rock’n’roll star I wipe the floor with him.

"Imagine if you’re Joe Biden last night," said Rush (transcript via RushLimbaugh.com). "You’re Joe Biden last night, and your advisers (cố vấn) come in, and they say, 'Joe, don’t sweat it, don’t sweat anything that happened last night. What happened last night doesn’t mean anything, Joe. The debates (cuộc tranh luận) are the only thing that matter, Joe, and you’re gonna wipe the floor with this guy, Joe. You’re gonna wipe the floor about him in the debates, and you got the big money behind you, Joe. You got fundraisers (người gây quỹ), you’re setting records all over. Joe, don’t sweat this stuff last night.'"

Ngọc Lân

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