"At the crack of dawn" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Nicole De Khors from Burst 

"At the crack of dawn" = "at the break of dawn" = vào lúc bình minh. 

Ví dụ 
For Grant Slocombe, summer days start at the crack of dawn, long before the sun is up and the rest of the town has begun to stir (chuyển động). 

The secret is to be in place at the crack of dawn before the meerkats (chồn đất) awake and to see them perform their morning ritual (nghi thức buổi sáng). 

Dozens of theatre fans were queuing (xếp hàng) at the crack of dawn to bag a seat (chuẩn bị chỗ) for the first night of the award-winning (được giải) Fleabag play. 

Thousands of hunters in Sweden were out in the forests from the crack of dawn on Wednesday, racing to shoot (đua nhau bắn) one of the 300 bears that can legally (hợp pháp) be shot before the season ends in October. 

Thu Phương 

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