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Two pig farmers in Western Australia will be jailed after being convicted (kết án tù, tuyên bố có tội) of illegally importing Danish pig semen concealed (giấu) in shampoo bottles.

...The Perth district court was told boar semen had been illegally imported from Denmark multiple times between May 2009 and March 2017. The semen was used in GD Pork’s artificial breeding program and several breeding sows were direct offspring of Danish boars.

Federal agriculture minister Bridget McKenzie said breaches of biosecurity laws would not be tolerated.

“This case shows a disturbing (làm náo động, quấy rầy, làm nhiễu loạn) disregard (không đếm xỉa đến, bấn chấp, coi thường) for the laws that protect the livelihoods of Australia’s 2,700 pork producers, and the quality of the pork that millions of Australians enjoy each year,” McKenzie said.

“GD Pork imported the semen illegally in an attempt to get an unfair advantage over its competitors, through new genetics.”

Western Australian Farmers Federation spokeswoman Jessica Wallace said the offences was “a selfish act” that could cripple (làm hỏng, phá hỏng, làm lụn bại; làm tê liệt) an entire industry.

Tags: economics

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