Tín dụng vi mô: Hiểm họa khôn lường đang đe dọa nền kinh tế Sri Lanka

lãi suất tính ra có thể lên tới 220%/năm, thì thôi gọi chính xác là 'cho vay nặng lãi' cho rồi...
Borrowers know nothing about interest rates—effective rates may be as high as 220%—only the capital and weekly instalment (phần trả lãi hằng tuần). The finance ministry reckons big microfinance institutions have lent out 282bn rupees ($1.6bn), but it has no data for the many smaller lenders that operate. No rules exist to prevent over-indebtedness (nợ nần quá mức/ngập mặt). Most borrowers took out their first loan to consume rather than invest, and most new loans are taken out to service old ones. Giving poor people small loans without collateral (vật thế chấp), albeit at higher interest rates than on conventional loans (các khoản vay truyền thống), was meant to spur entrepreneurship (tinh thần khởi nghiệp) and allow people to bootstrap (tự mình cố gắng vươn lên, vươn lên bằng nỗ lực bản thân) their way out of poverty (nghèo khổ). In Sri Lanka it seems to be burying many, particularly women, deeper in it.

Those areas in the north and the east where civil war once raged hold 160,000 households headed by women. When the war ended the government began a $26m microloan programme called “Awakening North” for agriculture and business. The money was disbursed at 12% interest through state-owned and private banks.

...There are strong echoes of the wave of farmer suicides (nông dân tự tử) linked to predatory (cướp bóc, trấn lột) lending in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh in the 1990s and early 2000s. These caused India to pass laws preventing private microfinance institutions from “exploiting” borrowers through “usurious (cao quá đáng, cắt cổ) interest rates and coercive (ép buộc, cưỡng bức) means of recovery”.

...Last year the government wrote off business loans of up to 100,000 rupees given to women in drought-affected areas and capped interest rates at 35%. But the relief applied only to each person’s biggest loan from a registered lender.

Tags: economics

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