"Borrow trouble" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Baher Khairy on Unsplash

'Borrow trouble' = mượn rắc rối -> làm việc không cần thiết và có khả năng gây ra hậu quả về sau.

Ví dụ
City Council member Jesse Davis recognized some of the current problem has been years in the making, but he also thought city leaders would borrow trouble by delaying the decision on raising rates (thuế).

Now that the four other Chow branches have closed—all within the last 18 months—the only one still open is in Lafayette’s La Fiesta Square. We don’t want to borrow trouble, but it might not be a bad idea for Chow fans to make sure to stop by in the near future.

Don't 'borrow' trouble to pay for higher education. Student loans (vay nợ), and as a general proposition, student debt, has been in the news recently. Indeed, most Democratic candidates have included a discussion on student loaning and the accumulated debt in their individual speeches.

I honestly wouldn’t borrow trouble by making a big deal out of it. Be warm but matter-of-fact about the change, and keep an eye on how your younger daughter is doing. Make sure the girls have lots of time to spend together outside of school hours (it’s only two days a week, so that should not be a big challenge).

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