"Cock of the walk" nghĩa là gì?

Ta cứ thích gáy đấy. Photo by chuttersnap

"Cock of the walk" -> Người kiêu ngạo, tự đề cao bản thân hoặc người có vai vế trong một nhóm/cộng đồng như một chú gà trống trong một đàn gà chẳng hạn.

Ví dụ
“In fact I’m thinking of taking a leaf out of his boss’s book and giving his address to the local cock of the walk.”

At the same time, they’re versions of the same character: two beefy baldies (hai người hói đầu lực lưỡng), each with his cock-of-the-walk strut (dáng đi oai vệ) and conviction (sự thuyết phục) that he and he alone is fitted to save the world.

Transferring from Broadway to Tinsel Town with an ease unseen since Elia Kazan, Fosse's movie career might have begun with a well-executed but unwanted adaptation of his hit stage show Sweet Charity (1967) but he soon became the cock of the walk courtesy (sự nhã nhặn) of Cabaret (1972).

Our family motto (phương châm, khẩu hiệu) is: ‘One day you’re cock of the walk, the next you’re a feather duster.’ The primary meaning is: don’t get too over-enraptured (quá mê mẫn, thích thú) by your own success, because life has an unfortunate habit of biting you on the backside. But there’s also a secondary one: live life to the full while you still have it

Bin Kuan

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